About Us
Since 1991, PRIMEX has been a competitive industrial boiler and thermical equipments manufacturer.
The capacity range of our boilers covers a wide share of technological applications, starting with 200kW up to 10 MW.
Steam boilers, hot / overheated water boilers represent the main section of PRIMEX manufacture, but we are also dedicated to CHP projects and biomass and eco-fuels management.

Primex is changing, becoming stronger to fulfill its mission better: manufacture proper thermical equipments for traditional and emerging markets.
Primex’s approach is based on developments on the market for biomass, oil &gas, and CHP. Considerring that every customer needs are different from eachother, we do not build standard thermical plants, but we design and manufacture it according to project technical requirements and parameters.

Our mission
We understand and support the many challenges our customers face regarding accuracy, complexity and deadlines of theirs projects.
In order to support our customers to gain competitive advantage in their markets, PRIMEX is committed to provide exceptional value products through our skilled and dedicated employees and automated manufacturing process.